So I know that I haven't updated since before Christmas but its been really crazy since the beginning of the year. Christmas was good, uneventful which was great! January went by quickly and I did a lot of resting. I had many sick moments still so I tried to just stay put. I did help my best friend shop for her baby and new apartment.
Then February came... oh boy February, well the first weekend, I had my first baby shower which was awesome. I had so much fun with my 5 best girls and my mama. Then things went down hill, Greg's grandfather was hospitalized for pneumonia and a blood clot in his chest. He was there for almost 2 whole weeks and that was hard on Greg's mom. We were so worried he wasn't going to make it. His heart went into A-fib and he was in progressive care for several days. He was transferred to a regular room and is now at home doing well. As if that wasn't enough of a stressful situation, my grandparent home burnt down. That's right burnt down at 1 am on a Saturday. My grandmother was taken to the hospital because of smoke inhalation but was released later that day. My grandfather was fine but he sat and watched the whole house burn down so he is emotionally not okay yet. My father came up from Houston that day to get things together so I didn't have to. They are doing well and moved into an apartment yesterday paid my insurance company. They are trying to get things organized so they can figure out what do with the house. My grandmother's van was in the garage which is where the fire started so it was totaled. All things considering, they are doing well and are just thankful to be alive.
Now on to my issues with pregnancy. About 2 weeks ago I slipped on a hanger in the bathroom around 4 in the morning and fell flat on my stomach. Jacob was fine but it took me a week to really feel okay again. I was really sore and my muscles took forever to feel normal. Later that week contractions started. The doctor said they were braxton hicks so not to worry. Well they have been sooooo painful so when I went to the doctor yesterday he was worried because they have been painful. Come to find out I am 1/2 cm dilated already! :( That's no good so he did this test to see if I am going to go into labor in the next 2 weeks. Luckily the test came back negative so I am good for two weeks but I have to take an easy like moderate bed rest. I can't be over active at all because it could induce labor. I will keep you posted on things but my goal is to get Jacob's room ready this weekend with my mom's help so if he comes after two weeks I am ready for him. I am really not ready for him but if he comes, he comes.
8 weeks left and I feel so unprepared but thats okay. We will get through and we can't wait to meet our little man. Hope everyone has a good week and keep us in your prayers!