Well I haven't done a good job of blogging the last two months. Maybe its because I have been sick and super busy. In December the WHOLE family except Jake, got the stomach flu. It was awful and we all had the week before Christmas. But we were all better just in time for Christmas day and enjoyed a house full at our home. We decided since it was Jake's first Christmas it was better that everyone come to our house and celebrate. It turned out pretty nicely.
Greg and I threw a New Year's party and had a bunch of friends over New Year's Eve which was way fun but super exhausting. And since then it has just been busy, busy, busy. Our lease for our house is up in March so we have started looking at out options. We would love to buy a house but we aren't sure if we qualify. Something that we are going to look into. I also received some news that I will be needing surgery in the next month. I have a large cyst on my left ovary and it has to be removed along with my left ovary. Hopefully they can do a laproscopy procedure but they may have to go in where they did my c-sect. As of now I don't have more details then that.
Greg and I have been really trying to get our relationship back on track this year. So we will see where that takes us. I am excited to try and get back to how we were before Jake. It's all a work in progress.
Other than that no news to report. Hope everyone had a safe Holiday season and a great New Year!