Thursday, October 1, 2009

10 Weeks and Counting

It's been a little while since I posted last. That would be because I have been quite sick. I went to ER around 3 weeks ago for dehydration caused from the joys of morning sickness. Turns out it wasn't "just" morning sickness, it is actually a condition that happens in 1% of pregnancies. Of course it only happens in 1% and I am fortunate enough to be in that one percentile. So it makes my morning sickness 8 billion times worse then normal pregnancies. YAY ME!! Once we were able to find a medication that stopped the morning sickness, I was able to eat again. In two weeks I lost 15 lbs. Not exactly what I wanted to do when I got pregnant but at least I won't be over weight after the baby gets here.

So now that I am no longer throwing up at the site of food, I am very exhausted all the time. But I guess you trade the lesser of two evils. I am however going to first prenatal appointment on Monday which is exciting. Greg gets to come which is awesome and we get our very first ultrasound. Greg is super excited and he wants to be a daddy so badly. He really wants to baby to be a girl so we will see!! Other then that, I have been helping my mom out when I haven't been sick and staying in bed when I am. I will update next week after my appointment. Have a fantastic Friday and a good weekend!!

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