Saturday, September 5, 2009

7 Weeks Already?

Someone told me I needed to update about the baby progress so I thought I would. I am 7 weeks today and my symptoms have been all over the place. It has been a rollercoaster and poor Greg doesn't know what I am going to say next. I am trying my hardest not to be an emotional wreck but sometimes I can't control it. According to my awesome books, the baby is the size of a blueberry. We have picked out names but we are keeping them quiet for now. Greg is really hoping for a girl. I am easy either way but I had a dream last night it was a boy so who knows. I definately know it isn't twins. We had a sonogram last Friday in the ER (I will get to why we were there in a sec) and the tech said there was definately only one.

Now on to what happened that landed me in the ER. Last Friday was a pretty scary night. Greg and I were in a pretty nasty car accident. We were in traffic on a side street over here. Everyone started to move and then slammed on the breaks and we couldn't fast enough. Greg ended up rear-ending the guy in front of us.... in my car.... only going 25 MPH.... into a truck or rather under. We pulled into the parking lot and the guys bumper was scrated and dented. My car on the other hand needed $7,000 worth of repairs not including labor. IThen we found out we didn't have rental car coverage (OH BOY!!). But back to the ER, I was leaning forward trying to reach my purse when we hit and my seatbelt tightened around my stomach pretty hard. I didn't want an ambulance and I thought I was ok but by the time we made it home I was cramping pretty badly so Greg took me to ER.

We got right in which is a first for the hospital we went to and they had me in a room in the ER pretty quick. It took forever fo rthem to find a vein so they could start an IV. It was like 35 mins or so. I have the bruises of the several spots they tried to no avail. Finally they found on and sent me to pee in a cup which was hard since I had just gone. But man you can't imagine what a catheter scare can do. I went so easily when she said if I couldn't giver her any, she would have to go in and get it. I was like, "Nope, I am good thanks!" By this time I was hurting pretty badly. They took me back for a sono and Greg got to come. We got to see the sac that the baby will grow in which was cool. Then she was poking at my ovaries and my left one hurt like crazy. I have a cyst which is what was bothering me. But from the sono there was no damage to my uterus or baby or anything. Went back to room and waited for the doctor. He came said everything looked great and that I do have a cyst and that the seatbelt probably hit it and made it mad. But my chances of miscarry were super low and that I was very healthy.

So now I am doing well minus the morning sickness at night and some other not so pleasent symptoms. Greg and I are super excited and I will update in a week or so. I get my car back Wednesday and will have freedom again. Hope everyone has a safe and fun Labor Day. Best wishes to all and love to friends and family.