Wednesday, November 24, 2010

It's that time of the year again...

For anyone that lives in Texas you know what I am talking about... Fall! The horrid season that can never find a good temperature to stay at. Some days its hot, some days its cold, some days its both. With this "wonderful" time of year comes the dreaded runny nose and cough. My poor little Jacob has Bronchitis and I have Laryngitis. We are both sick and its 80 degrees out today. How is this possible? Well folks we live in Texas, the state I like to refer to as BIPOLAR. Texas is the only state where it can rain, snow and be sunny all in a 24 hour period. You know that its that time of year because when you go to the doctor's office, the waiting room is full and everyone has a klennex in their hands. It is simply awful and the fact that tomorrow it will be 54 degrees is disheartening. It is good though, that Thanksgiving will be cold because it should be.

Greg and I will be traveling to his families for Thanksgiving. Ah, the life of a married woman. I am sure all you married women know what I am talking about, splitting of the holiday with both families. Thanksgiving is a time where people travel far, very far to visit relatives they only see once a year and in that time they realize why they only visit them once a year. No in all honesty I am excited about visiting Greg's family. They are all so nice and none of them have really met Jacob yet. It should be exciting, as long as Jacob stays well enough.

So as the holidays approach just remember that you can't choose your family but you can choose when to leave after dinner.... hahaha.... I am just kidding!! Let us all be thankful for everything we have in our lives, even our relatives!

Happy Thanksgiving

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